Date : 23rd & 24th May 2023
Venue : Summit Hotel Subang USJ, Malaysia
Organized by :
Lincoln University College, Malaysia

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Date : 23rd & 24th May 2023
Venue : Summit Hotel Subang USJ, Malaysia
Organized by :
Lincoln University College, Malaysia
Lincoln University College, Malaysia is organizing the International Conference on Recent Advancement in Sustainable Healthcare. The basic idea behind the conference is to make a platform for the distinguished dignitaries to exchange new ideas and apply hands on experiences to build up new relationships in research. There is also a scope for future collaborations along with global partners. Building up a strong relationship between industry and academia is also among one of the key factors. At the same time, the conference will help to bridge the gap between Biologists, Health officials, Nurses, Medical professionals, Microbiologists, Pharmaceutical Scientists, Physicians and other delegates.
The main focus of the conference is on the latest and most exciting findings in the following areas:
The extended versions of the selected papers presented in the conference will be published (if accepted after review)
Scopus, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia and Cross Ref. doi indexed Journal:
The Malaysian Journal of Nursing (ISSN: 2231-7007; e ISSN: 2462-246X)
Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia and Cross Ref. doi indexed Journal:
Malaysian Journal of Medical Research (e ISSN : 2550-1607)
Other Cross Ref. doi & Index Copernicus indexed Journal
International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research (eISSN: 2581-4877)
Proceedings book with Cross Ref. doi and ISBN will be released later
The Founder and President of Lincoln University Dr. Amiya Bhaumik, is purely from the field of education. He is an Executive Vice President of the International Education Consulting Group, St. Louis, USA since 1999. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik was Research Fellow of UNESCO, Paris. During this tenure, Dr. Bhaumik has traveled extensively to Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. He has served as professor of Business Administration in University of Lucknow, India and in University of Malaya and many other countries.
Prof. Datuk Dr. Hjh. Bibi Florina Binti Abdullah, the Pro-Chancellor of Lincoln University College, was the First Director of Nursing, Ministry of Health, Malaysia. She has also served as the Registrar of Nursing Board, Malaysia and has the greatest passion in changing the whole face of the nursing profession. She was instrumental in professionalized nursing as a profession from the diploma to the degree level. Undoubtedly, her passion in nursing field has been continually transformed to Lincoln University College.
Dato (Amb) Dr. Mohd Yusoff Bin A. Bakar is the Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer Lincoln University College, Malaysia. He is also Deputy CEO of the Euroskil Vocational Trainince Academy (ETVA) from 2018 till date. He was the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs) of Lincoln University College from 2014 for more than 6 years. He was the Ambassador in Ministry of foreign in 1981 till 2001. Dato Yusoff has been associated with the Ministry since 1975 in various countries. He has volunteered as Chairman of The Board an international charity organization from 2009 associated with Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Cause. In 2014 he was the Chairman of IBF Network Sdn.Bhd. In 2014 he was the Member of the Board of Directors of the Guidance Citizens Cooperation. In 2016 Chairman of Guidance Citizens Cooperation. Over the years Dato (Amb) Dr. Mohd Yusoff Bin A. Bakar has shown professional working proficiency with upright Leadership skills and Administrative expertise.
Prof. Dr. Faridah Mohd Said has completed her RN in Midwifery, her PhD is from University Putra Malaysia. She did her MSc from University Kebangsaan Malaysia and BSc from University Malaysia. She has many years working experiences in clinical, academic and management thorough her career in public and private organizations national and internationally. Her experiences included; she was appointed as Clinical Nursing Director in Madinah, KSA, Head of Nursing Postgraduate and Research in Lincoln University and Head of Nursing Program in University Putra Malaysia. She has supervised many PhD students. Her niche areas of interest include Community and Public Health, Nursing education. Her current research interest focuses Smarte-Health Education. She was awarded Excellent Outstanding Quality Award in Madinah. She received four research grants when she was in UPM.
Prof. Datin Dr. Hafizah graduated as a registered nurse from College of Nursing, Penang in 1974. Prof. Datin Dr. Hafizah predominantly worked as a renal nurse where she specialized in Renal and Urology with a Certificate of Renal Nursing from the Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Australia in 1987. Datin Dr. Hafizah has been working as an educator for 32 years. She obtained her Certificate of Advanced Diploma in Teaching from University of Malaya in the year 1982. In year 1993, Datin Dr. Hafizah obtained her BSc Nursing from University of Sydney, Australia. Datin Dr. Hafizah completed her Master of Education in the year 2000 from University of Malaya. Datin Dr. Hafizah completed her PhD in Health Sciences from Lincoln University in the year of 2017. Prof. Datin Dr. Hafizah has extensive experience in both undergraduate and postgraduate nursing education, and the development and improvement of curriculum in nursing education. Datin Dr. Hafizah has been actively involved as a program and curriculum auditor for Malaysian Nursing Board and Malaysian Qualifications Agency.
Prof. Dr. Kaushik Bose is a biological anthropologist from India. He is a Professor at the Department of Anthropology, Vidyasagar University, India since March, 2010. He joined the same department as an Associate Professor in 2002.
He is the recipient of several scholarships, fellowships and medals. He is a Member / Fellow of several professional bodies, most notable among them is the International Fellow of the Unit for the Biocultural Variation and Obesity, Oxford University. He was the recipient of a Commonwealth Scholarship and obtained his Ph.D. from Cambridge University. He was at Queens’ College, Cambridge. He had obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Panjab University, India. He also worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, King’s College, London. He has published more than 320 publications in peer-reviewed journals, besides authoring a book and editing eleven books. He has also been awarded several research project grants. He is the Editor of the Journal of Life Sciences aside from being an Associate Editor of several journals. He acts as a Member of the Editorial Board of numerous journals. He acts as a reviewer for more than 50 journals.
His main areas of research are anthropometry, growth, health, nutrition, body composition and disease. He is particularly interested in ethnic variation in health and disease. He has been undertaking collaborative research with several institutes in India and abroad including the Institute of Anthropology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw. He had visited the Anthropology Unit, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, as an Indian National Science Academy – Polish Academy of Sciences Fellow. He has been awarded a D.Sc. degree by Vidyasagar University. He has proposed a new global cut-off point of mid-upper arm circumference to determine adult undernutrition. Recently, he was nominated as a Fellow of the West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology (WAST), India.
Dr. Meera Suresh is from Kerala, India. She has more than 7 years of experience in the healthcare sector. She completed M.D. (Hom) and B.H.M.S. from Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Trivandrum. After working as a Homoeopathic physician for two years, which included a brief period as Medical Officer at the Govt. Homoeopathic Dispensary, Edakochi, she joined University of Leeds, UK, for her MPH. After graduation, she worked as the Program & Quality Control Manager of Kerala Diabetes Prevention Program funded by the World Diabetes Foundation, Denmark, which was conducted at SCTIMST, Trivandrum. Later, she joined as Assistant Professor in the Dept of Community Medicine at Shree H.N. Shukla Homoeopathic Medical College, Rajkot. In 2020, she joined her alma mater, Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Trivandrum as Assistant Professor in the Dept of Pathology and Microbiology.
She is interested in research both in Homoeopathy and Public Health. During her M.D., her dissertation was on the comparative study of the action of Homoeopathic drugs belonging to the Coniferae (Plant), Ophidia (animal) and Carbon groups (mineral kingdoms) in Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding. For her MPH, she submitted a review study on Intimate Partner Violence and STD’s amongst Indian women. One of her published articles is Factors influencing health-care access of female commercial sex workers in India: an in-depth review. She is looking forward to interdisciplinary research collaborations that can bring meaningful changes to human health.
Prof. Dr. Santhna Letchmi Panduragan was formerly from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia where she was much involved as a lecturer and a research supervisor for both Nursing and Medical students. She was also sent to review the nursing curriculum in Sa’naah, Yemen. She is also a life member of the MAEMHS society Malaysia. She was also involved in the personal and Professional training of the Medical students in University Kebangsaan Malaysia. She attained her Masters from Monash University, Australia and Her PhD was in Community Education and Development from University Putra Malaysia. Her expertise is in qualitative research. She is also a consultant for the KDU college Penang and at present is with Lincoln University College for the past 4 years. She is much involved as a lecturer and as a research supervisor for both Masters and PhD students.
Dr. Sandeep Shrestha has more than 15 years of experience in the field of Urology. He has attended more than 30 national and international conferences related to surgery and healthcare. His area of specialty is Urinary Bladder Cancer. He was awarded with ‘Top 101 Foreign Talent’ and “A” Grade Foreign Expert in Heilongjiang Province, China.
He is an Advisory Board Member of International Journal of Cell Science & Biotechnology and International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research (IJMCR). He is an Editor of International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Scientific Emerging Research and Reviewer/Board Member of International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology. Dr. Shrestha has more than 20 publications in top famous journals.
Dr. Soumen Mukherjee is a healthcare academician & industry expert with 14 years of teaching experience and 8 years of industry experience. He is well connected to different healthcare industry in India. Dr. Mukherjee is presently working as Associate Professor & Dean, School of Skill Education & Vocational Studies, The Neotia University, Kolkata, India. He is also the registered PhD supervisor of The Neotia University. He is currently supervising one research scholar under his guidance.
Dr. Mukherjee had participated in many National and International Healthcare Management conferences and presented the research papers and received best research paper award from AIIMS-Delhi, JAMIA Hamdard, ICBM, Hydrabad, and Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. He has 14 publications in national & international journals. He is a life member of the Academy of Hospital Administration India, New Delhi, IASSR & InSc-India. Along with the academic activities, Dr. Mukherjee was the first academic convener for INDIA SKILL 2021, specially for the Healthcare sector of the Directorate of Skill Development Government of Tripura. Under his guidance, Tripura got Silver medal in National Level of India Skill 2021.
Malaysian : MYR 750
International : USD 250*
Malaysian : MYR 550
International : USD 200*
Malaysian : MYR 450
International : USD 125*
Malaysian : MYR 450
International : USD 125*
Category of Country:
Summit Hotel Subang USJ, Malaysia
Articles should contain approximately 1000 to 4000 words. Shorter or longer submissions may be submitted upon approval from the editor.
Articles must be submitted online as an email attachment to:; or at
Segment the Articles in the following parts:
Tables, Illustrations, Figures and Photographs: Graphics such as table, illustrations, figures and photographs must be embedded in the article you are submitting (in MS word).
Structure of Article and Author Guidelines
1. General Information: Please write your article in good English (American or British usage is accepted). Use MS Word format, in one style column with 2 cm margin at each side of A4 paper.
2. Title: The first letter of each word in title, should be typed capital. Please avoid using punctuation marks like (,), (“ “ ), ( ? ), ( ! ), etc. in title and don’t underline words.
*font: Arial, Style: Bold, Size: 14.
3. Authors’ Names: Please write authors’ names after main topic.
*font: Arial, Style: Bold, Size: 11.
Please indicate authors’ postal addresses completely after their names. Country name, telephone number and email addresses of each author are necessary.
*font: Arial, Style: Italic, Size: 11.
4. Abstract:Abstract should be within 250-500 words. Authors need to be careful that the abstract reflects the content of the article accurately.
*font: Arial, Style: Normal, Size: 12.
5. Keywords: Indicate keywords after abstract (3-4words ). Please separate your keywords with ( ,) .
*font: Arial, Style: Normal, Size: 10.
6. Note: the Articles in the following parts:
i. Title Page :
ii. Title of article.
iii. The full name/s of the authors.
iv. Job title/Occupation, employer, location and affiliation of each author.
v. Name and address of the author responsible for correspondence (Include address, telephone number and email address).
*font: Arial, Style: Italics, Size: 11.
7. Tables: Present tables at the end of the article. Number tables in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place the caption of the table above table. Place explanatory matters below the table. Avoid vertical rules.
*font: Arial, Style: Normal, Size: 10 ( both caption and data in table ).
8. Figures: Present figures, at the end of the article. Number figures in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place the caption of figures and diagrams below them. *font: Arial, Style: Normal, Size: 10 ( for captions and data in diagram and figures
9. References: Use the Harvard Referencing Guide. Arrange references alphabetically at the end of the article. *font: Arial, Style: Normal, Size: 12
General Instructions for Author/s:
Types of Articles (Full paper):
Original Articles: Should contain title page, abstract, keywords, introduction, research methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement and references. The length of the text should be limited to 12-22 pages including the references.
Review Articles: The review articles are subjected to editorial review such as the original papers.
Case Study: It is included all of the reports about any special issues and new procedure in some limited cases with good results but not confirmed yet internationally as a global choice. It should be not exceed more than 2000 words.
Structure of Articles: Title Page: Should contain title which should include the study design, author(s) information such as the first name, last name, highest academic degree and affiliation. Abstract: Should contain background, research methods, results and conclusion sections separately. The objective of study, findings (including its statistical significance) and the conclusion made on the basis of the findings should be clearly presented. Abstract is not necessary for case reports, while review articles should have an abstract. Nevertheless, the length of an abstract should be less than 250 words. Authors need to be careful that the abstract reflects the content of the article accurately.
Keywords: Each submitted article should contain 3-4 keywords.
Keywords will assist indexers in cross indexing the article as they are published with abstract.
Introduction: This should summarize the purpose and the rationale for the study. It should neither review the subject extensively nor should it have data or conclusions of the study.
Research Method: This should include exact method or observation or experiment. Mathematical and Statistical methods must be mentioned and specify any general computer package used.
Results and Discussion: must be presented in the form of text, tables and illustrations. The contents of the tables should not be all repeated in the text. Instead, a reference to the table number may be given. Long articles may need sub-headings (mentioned on page1 as Subdivisions) within some sections to clarify their contents. Discussion should emphasize the present findings and the variations or similarities with other work done in the field by other researchers. The detailed data should not be repeated discussion again. Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study. It must be mentioned whether the hypothesis mentioned in the article is true, false or no conclusions can be derived.
Conclusion: The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues authors have raised in the paper, to summarize the thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of the ideas, and to propel reader to a new view of the subject. It is also the opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note. The conclusion should represent something important to the readers, and can be used for some, or all of the following tasks:
• Emphasizing the purpose and importance of the article
• Explaining the significance or consequences of the findings
• Indicating the wider applications of the method developed in the article
• Establishing the article as the basis for further investigation
Acknowledgement: All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be covered in the acknowledgement section. It should include persons who provided technical help, writing assistance and departmental head that only provided general support. Financial and material support should also be acknowledged. Author(s) must acknowledge and declare any sources of funding and potential conflicting interest, such as receiving funds or fees by, holding stocks and shares in and organizations that may profit or lose through publication of your paper. Declaring a competing interest will not lead to automatic rejection of the paper, but we would like to be made aware of it.
Submission: Manuscripts must have been written in English. Also the manuscript must have confirm letter that is assumed manuscripts are exclusively submitted to the conference journals (MJMR / MJN/IJALSR) and have not been previously published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review or thesis) and are not under consideration by any other journal. In the covering letter one author should be specified as the “corresponding author” and all other authors should personally sign the covering letter. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work. The editorial board has the right to insert any necessary changes so that the manuscript is harmonized with the editorial framework of the journal.
All submissions to the (MJMR / MJN /IJALSR) should contain a completed copy of signed covered letter containing the copyright agreement.
Final Checklist: The authors must ensure that before submitting the manuscript for publication, they have taken care of the following:
1. Title page should contain title, name of the author(s), their qualifications, mailing address for future correspondence, email address, phone and fax number.
2. Abstract in structured format up to 250 words.
3. Keywords contain 3-4 words.
4. References should be typed as instruction that mentioned above.
5. Tables and figures should be typed at the end of the article.
6. Copyright (covering) Letter.
The researchers are invited to submit their abstracts
mentioning the mode of presentation (Oral)
Abstract must be submitted within 30th April,2023
Full article must be submitted within 31st May, 2023 for publication.
Date : 23th & 24th May 2023
Venue : Summit Hotel Subang USJ, Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Sandeep Poddar / Prof. Datin Dr. Hafizah Che Hassan
Lincoln University College
Wisma Lincoln, No. 12-18, Jalan SS 6/12, 47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor D. E., Malaysia
All Right Reserved for © International Conference on Recent Advancement in Sustainable Healthcare (ICRASH ), 2023